Monday 5 October 2015

Camera Angles

Camera angles are a very import part to any film. They can change the mood or feel of any scene.
For this sort film we decided to make a romantic. As a group we did this because you can use a simple story as we were focusing on camera angles. We wanted to us lots of different angles. We started of using a wide angle. By doing this you can set the scene and show the environment. We also used close up shots. This adds more depth and it makes you feel like you are more close to what is happening.

When I was editing the film I made sure I used a mixture of different angles. I swapped between close and wide angles. I did this because this is the stile of romantic films.  As we were filming out side and didn’t have proper microphones I decided not to have any dialogue, instead I used a sound track running throughout the film. By adding the sound track it bought the whole film together. Looking back at the final cut i would of liked to change a few things. I would of cut the the females face when the proposal happened. I would of also move the camera move over the females shoulder when she was sending the text message, so you could of see wha was being said.

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