Wednesday 7 October 2015

Movie Poster

In Illustrator we used the pen tool. This tool is used to draw, the good thing about this tool is it allows to you make perfect curves. We allows looked at the shape tool. We tried making pictures out of the shape tool.
When it come to my hierarchy I made the text the biggest part of the poster I did this because I wanted your eyes to be drawn straight to it. I then wanted the monster to be noticeable but the not the first thing use see that is why I put it in the conner.
I chose to use 'Rockwell' font because it was bold and easy to read, also it was the front that I had in my original design. the reason I have chosen to use a grey background is because I find it helps make the other colours more noticeable and bright.

1 comment:

  1. Your poster looks really nice, I think you've balanced the title and monster illustration well and the type choice is appropriate with the style you established with your colour choices. Nice job!
