Sunday, 18 October 2015

Magazine Layout

 For this front cover if GQ the are focusing this issue around Channing Tatum. With GQ they always use a big image of what ever there main story is. By doing this when you first see the front cover you have an idea of who they are focusing on. GQ for this front cover GQ decided not to use a lot of different colours, they just stuck to three. they used yellow and grey for there logo and some of the text they also used black for the other bits of text. i think they choose to use three colours because it looks more smarts and perferdshional, by doing this it works really well with the photo as Channing Tatum is wearing a suit. By using such a big picture it means they don't have to fill the rest of the cover lots of text or other photos. GQ use big and bold text for there front cover. This draws the buyers attention also it makes it easy to see what the main articles are in this issue.
When it it comes to the inside of the magazine its still bold and interesting even if there is a lot of text. For this two page spread about Jay-Z. For the first page they filled the page with a photo of him. This will draw your attention. Again they have used the same colours across the two pages this makes the look smart and it works with the stile of GQ. When it comes to the main article they still tray make it interesting. They placed a big J in the middle of the page. They also use over sized letters at the begging of each paragraph.

GQ front cover-

Two page spread-

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