Wednesday 14 October 2015

Primary Research

Primary research is a way that you can ask specific questions. You can do this by doing questionnaires, surveys you can also use focus groups to find out the information you need. A focus group is were you get a group of people and ask them questions. By doing a focus group you are able to get a good range of answers from all different ages and demographies.

For my primary research I looked into YouTube. I wanted to see what type of videos people watch and how much they visit YouTube. I put my questionnaire on Facebook for people to answer here are two of my results.
For the first chart I asked the question what sort of YouTube videos do you watch. From looking at the pie chart you can see the most popular type of videos are Tutorials. So if you wanted to start a YouTube channel this graph would help.
The second pie chart I ask how many days in a week would you go on YouTube. From looking at the chart you can see over 50% of people visit YouTube everyday.
Primary research is a very affective way to gather research from a larger range of people. Also you are able to ask the questions you want to.

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