Wednesday 7 October 2015

Branding Guidelines

Branding is a important part of any company, film etc. When branding something you have to think about the public because they are the one how are going to be looking at it and deciding if they like it. When you have created a brand you have to have branding guidelines so your brand message is communicated consistently.
For my film poster the branding guidelines are: the font must be 'Rockwell' this is because its bold text and it is easy to read, also you should have the letters just touching. Finally with the font you should use 'create outlines' and change how some of the text looks.

When it comes to the colours at big aspect of it has to be red.
The red that has to be used is.  
C0 M95 Y92 K0
R229 G36 B32

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, your branding description is good. Your guidelines are detailed and make sense for your brand. Although I should have mentioned in class your final logotype would be saved as a file to deliver to a designer, that way they wouldn't have to re-make it every time.
