Tuesday 29 September 2015

Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs is a film directed by Quentin Tarantino. In the trailer it starts of by giving you the names of the charters. This works well because it gives you an idea of the characters. Text is an important part to the trailer because it gives you clues as what is going to happen in the film. The text also tells you what the film is about.

As it is a Quentin Tarantino film you can expect a lot of music and the trailer disappoint on that. You have a song running throughout the whole trailer. This works really well it helps set the pace and tempo for the film.

In the trailer it’s very fast paced, it have quick camera shots. It also shows you a large amount of action. By doing this it allows you to get an idea of the film. Saying that it is a Quentin Tarantino so if you have seen any of his other film you know what they can be like when it comes to the action and violence.
Overall this trailer works well, you have the text describing the film. You 

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