Wednesday 21 October 2015


For my infographic I used the data on no having a pen in class. I started of by looking at what colours I would use. I wanted to use a deep red red so I started of with that colour then looked at what colour matched it. I used the blue for my title. When it came to putting in information in I wanted to make it big and bold. So I decided to use pencils to show each group of people.
If i could redo this I would of used a different font. I like the one I used but I feel like I could of used a more basic font.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Impact of Sound

Sound had a big impact in the film industry. By adding sound it made the film feel more real you didn't have the text that would come up on your screen explaining what was happening, it also allowed you to hear the actors. By adding sound you are able to understand and get more into the film. The first time sound was used in a film was in 1923 in Paris.
When sound was first added one of there main problems was synchronisation as the picture and sound were recored and played back though different devices. In modern day cinema you don't have this problem. You are able to have all of the cameras and microphones in perfect synchronisation.
In modern cinema they use of foley sounds has become a high paying job as it is a very important part of making a film. When creating foley sounds you have to be very creative and you have to think about each shot and what sort of sounds are going to be in there. You cant just think about one object you have to think about the whole shot.  

Monday 19 October 2015

Constructing a Scene

 For this scene from Reservoir Dog. You have a mix of different camera angles. For my first screen shot. You have a close-up. This angle works well here because you can see the pain and emotion on the actors face.
For the second screen shot I chose the over the shoulder angle. With this part of the scene this camera angle works really well because it gives you the view from the actors perspective.
Towards the end of the scene there more wide     angles camera angles. This is shown in my third      
screen shot. This camera angle has also been shot from the ground by doing this gives the scene a different feeling. You don't normally see a wide angle shot from the floor.
For my final screen shot of the scene is right at the end. Again they have used a wide camera angle. For this part it works really well because you are able to see all of the characters and what has happened to them.  

Sunday 18 October 2015

Magazine Layout

 For this front cover if GQ the are focusing this issue around Channing Tatum. With GQ they always use a big image of what ever there main story is. By doing this when you first see the front cover you have an idea of who they are focusing on. GQ for this front cover GQ decided not to use a lot of different colours, they just stuck to three. they used yellow and grey for there logo and some of the text they also used black for the other bits of text. i think they choose to use three colours because it looks more smarts and perferdshional, by doing this it works really well with the photo as Channing Tatum is wearing a suit. By using such a big picture it means they don't have to fill the rest of the cover lots of text or other photos. GQ use big and bold text for there front cover. This draws the buyers attention also it makes it easy to see what the main articles are in this issue.
When it it comes to the inside of the magazine its still bold and interesting even if there is a lot of text. For this two page spread about Jay-Z. For the first page they filled the page with a photo of him. This will draw your attention. Again they have used the same colours across the two pages this makes the look smart and it works with the stile of GQ. When it comes to the main article they still tray make it interesting. They placed a big J in the middle of the page. They also use over sized letters at the begging of each paragraph.

GQ front cover-

Two page spread-


Leading is the way you edit the gape between two lines of text. Here are three examples of Leading.

 The first piece of text is what the standard font is.

For the second piece of text I used Leading to make the gap closer.

For the third piece of text I used Leading to make the gap bigger.

Type Familys

This is the type family of 'Minion Pro' this type family has 10 different styles. This type family has a lot of Italic types in it. Also all of the Serif's.


Serif and Sans-Serif

Serif and Sans-Serif are the extra strokes you get at the end of character in some fonts. Serif's does have the extra stroke to the character. A Sans-Serif(Sans) is what you would say if there was no extra stroke at the end of each character.
In the image below I have created a diagram showing this. The first F is a example of Sans-Serif, the second F is a example of Serif. For the third F I have highlighted the parts of the character that makes it Serif.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Primary Research

Primary research is a way that you can ask specific questions. You can do this by doing questionnaires, surveys you can also use focus groups to find out the information you need. A focus group is were you get a group of people and ask them questions. By doing a focus group you are able to get a good range of answers from all different ages and demographies.

For my primary research I looked into YouTube. I wanted to see what type of videos people watch and how much they visit YouTube. I put my questionnaire on Facebook for people to answer here are two of my results.
For the first chart I asked the question what sort of YouTube videos do you watch. From looking at the pie chart you can see the most popular type of videos are Tutorials. So if you wanted to start a YouTube channel this graph would help.
The second pie chart I ask how many days in a week would you go on YouTube. From looking at the chart you can see over 50% of people visit YouTube everyday.
Primary research is a very affective way to gather research from a larger range of people. Also you are able to ask the questions you want to.

Secondary Research

Secondary Research

Secondary research is a way of collecting data from the internet, newspapers etc. by doing secondary research first you will be able to get a better idea of what you should do for you primary research.

'YouTube has become the biggest website for sharing videos. YouTube is localised in 39 countries and across 54 languages.'

PewDiePie is the biggest YouTube channel that isn’t a network. He has close to 40 Million subscribers. However from looking at the chart below you can see that music channels are also very popular. This is something you would want to look at when creating a Youtube channel. When looking at secondary research you need to look at were you are getting your information from and making sure your sources are creditable, as you don't want to get the wrong information.
Secondary research is very useful because its a way of finding information from millions of different people.

This is a list from socialblade of the top 100 YouTubers
All quotes and charts are from socialblade.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Movie Poster

In Illustrator we used the pen tool. This tool is used to draw, the good thing about this tool is it allows to you make perfect curves. We allows looked at the shape tool. We tried making pictures out of the shape tool.
When it come to my hierarchy I made the text the biggest part of the poster I did this because I wanted your eyes to be drawn straight to it. I then wanted the monster to be noticeable but the not the first thing use see that is why I put it in the conner.
I chose to use 'Rockwell' font because it was bold and easy to read, also it was the front that I had in my original design. the reason I have chosen to use a grey background is because I find it helps make the other colours more noticeable and bright.

Branding Guidelines

Branding is a important part of any company, film etc. When branding something you have to think about the public because they are the one how are going to be looking at it and deciding if they like it. When you have created a brand you have to have branding guidelines so your brand message is communicated consistently.
For my film poster the branding guidelines are: the font must be 'Rockwell' this is because its bold text and it is easy to read, also you should have the letters just touching. Finally with the font you should use 'create outlines' and change how some of the text looks.

When it comes to the colours at big aspect of it has to be red.
The red that has to be used is.  
C0 M95 Y92 K0
R229 G36 B32

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Media Glossary

Media Glossary

Connotation- An idea or feeling a word provokes in a person

SMART targets-

Media Text- Any type of format in media i.e film, magazine, book, poster etc

Codes and Conventions:
  • Linguistic- language form, language meaning, and language in context (warp speed, mothership, transporter…)
  • Visual/Technical- Shots (extreme close up, mid shot…) camera angle, composition, structure of scenes, lighting.
  • Symbolic- Representation in the text/film, stereotypes.

Primary Research- Primary research is a way that you can ask specific questions. You can do this by doing questionnaires, surveys you can also use focus groups to find out the information you need.

Secondary Research- Secondary research is a way of collecting data from the internet, newspapers etc. by doing secondary research first you will be able to get a better idea of what you should do for you primary research.

Textual Analysis

In this lesson we looked at textual analysis, and how to write one. We each had to pick a film or T.V trailer of our choosing. I choses to look at Reservoir Dogs, I choses to look at this trailer because I like the film and the trailer has lots of different aspects to it. When writing about it we had to look at our glossary the we had created. By having the glossary, it helped because it gave you things you had to talk about. When I was writing my review I talked about the music used and why it worked, I also talked how the use of text impacts the trailer.

Monday 5 October 2015

Camera Angles

Camera angles are a very import part to any film. They can change the mood or feel of any scene.
For this sort film we decided to make a romantic. As a group we did this because you can use a simple story as we were focusing on camera angles. We wanted to us lots of different angles. We started of using a wide angle. By doing this you can set the scene and show the environment. We also used close up shots. This adds more depth and it makes you feel like you are more close to what is happening.

When I was editing the film I made sure I used a mixture of different angles. I swapped between close and wide angles. I did this because this is the stile of romantic films.  As we were filming out side and didn’t have proper microphones I decided not to have any dialogue, instead I used a sound track running throughout the film. By adding the sound track it bought the whole film together. Looking back at the final cut i would of liked to change a few things. I would of cut the the females face when the proposal happened. I would of also move the camera move over the females shoulder when she was sending the text message, so you could of see wha was being said.