Friday 20 May 2016

Project Review

When I look back at my first ideas and what sort of film I wanted to make I think I have been able to accomplish it. I know it didn't go word for word scene for scene, but I know I got the message across. I wanted to make a film about someone's final thoughts, their final memories, and I think I was able to do this. When I watch the film back I know I have made a film that I am proud of.

However there were something that I did struggle with: I wish I had kept to a tighter production schedule. I think by not doing this I wasn't able to get every shot I wanted, and that I did have to cut a flashback out,  also how I had to change the happy flashback. I have also struggled with the research: I wanted to focus on making the film and making sure it was the best it can be; so the research took a back seat and then I had to rush it and change what I wanted to do.

I have really enjoyed this project. I liked how we could pick the topic; I think this really helped make the project special to me. I was able to make a film on any topic that I wanted and I have wanted to make a film about mental health for a long time; I feel like it is something that people need to be made more aware of, especially after looking at the suicide rates of people in the UK aged 15 and above.
Also I enjoyed editing this short film, the reason I enjoyed this so much was I liked to see the film come together. My favourite scene to film was at the Clifton Observatory; the reason I liked filming this part so much was it was the happiest part of the film. I really feel like I was able to show that and show a good range of shots.  

If I was to do this project again I would have liked to do the graveyard scene again. I feel like it is the weakest point of my film. It was rushed and the camera settings were wrong.

Overall I am happy with how this project turned out, I feel like I was able to get a better understanding of mental health before I started filming which really helped when creating this film.

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