Monday 16 May 2016

Filming at Clifton Observatory

For one of my flash backs I want to show a happy memory. At the beginning of the project I had planned to go to the beach to film this scene. However the weather was always changing so I decide to film in Bristol. I did this because this because I knew I could get the shots I wanted and if the weather did turn bad it wouldn't be a wasted trip. For this scene I wanted to show the character remember a good time, I didn't want to make it to happy because I felt like it would change the flow and it wouldn't work. So I decided to make it more of a chill scene. Im really happy with how the shots turned out.
For the editing of this scene I add 'Warp Stabilizer' just to make sure the shots were smooth. They were all ready quite good because I was using a wide angel lens. I didn't do any colour correction, I did this because I was as happy with how the natural colours looked.    


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