Tuesday, 29 March 2016

FMP- Secondary Research

For my secondary research I am going to start of by looking at famous film monologues, Youtube videos and the facts and figures behind suicide and depression I will also look at two different books. I want to look at how they are filmed and how they are presented. When it comes to the facts and figures I want to see what the true facts are behind suicide and depression.

Good Will Hunting -My first monologues I looked at the bench scene from Good Will Hunting. I choses this monologue because it the camera work was simple there was one two different camera angles. This doesn't take away from how powerful this monologue. The way it starts you have Robin Williams character taring Matt Damon's  character apart say he is inexperienced and how he hasn't lived life. But when you get to the end the mood changes. The Robin's character changes he starts talking about how he doesn't know what Matt's character has been through. I think this is one of the best film monologues.

YouTube Videos
Teen Suicide and Drug Monologue 
-The reason I have chosen to look at this video is because of how simple it is. There is just one camera not cutting no special affects just one person talking to a camera. The reason this video is good is because of the way it was presented you can tell the person has so much emotion behind it. This video proves that the should be the main focus of a film/short film.  

The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath
SparkNotes- Plot over view


“Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one’s head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace.”

The reason I wanted to look at this book is because I felt like it would give a really good view on depression. The reason I am doing this is because I want to get a good understanding of how depression and suicide was talked about and dealt with in the 1900's.

Suicide Rates
The Guardian
Office for National Statistics   The reason I have used this data is I want to have a proper understanding of the facts and figures behind suicide in the UK. I feel this is a important thing to do when making this film because I want to make as truthful as I can. To make sure it wont disrespect anyone who is having problems with any mental health.

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