Tuesday 15 December 2015

Debate Refelction

For our debate we were debating if women our represented fairly in the media industry. My group had to argue that women are represented fairly. When we first started to look into what we ad to argue it was very hard to find useful facts. As a group we had to do a lot of work to find examples of fair representation of women. I looked at Marvel and some of there famous characters from their films and T.V shows. When I looked into this I learn't that women are getting are becoming more fairly represented.  

Monday 14 December 2015

Directional Style

When i think of my self as a director i think of myself as someone who doesn't stick to the script word of word I'm someone who lets the actors have say if they think something is working or if it needs to be cut. When I'm making a film I want to see the characters grown.

When it comes to directing I take a lot of inspiration from Quentin Tarantino and how he lets his scenes play out. I think this is a really good way of directing because you allow the actors to run with the scene and if they go off script you carry on filming and see what it looks like.

Another director I take inspiration from is Kathryn Bigelow she directed  big block busters like The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty. She is able to make the interesting serious films. When I watch her films I like how she has taken on these very masculine movies and creates amazing films.

I also really like Steven Spielberg and how me produces his film. I find his films are always very polished and clear. You get a clear understanding of what sort of director and producer he his.

From looking at these three people I have a good idea of how I will produce and direct my film. I want the characters to really feel who they are playing but I want them to run with what ever happens in the scene. I also want people to think of it as a serious film with interesting and unique characters.


Dr. Foster-
Mid 30’s, very clever, bit of introvert, always working, messy dresser, finds it hard to make a clear decision. Very passionate about renewable energy, has spent many years working on cold fusion and trying to prove it
Mary King-
Late 20’s, dresses well, came from a wealthy family, very passionate about renewable energy, started working straight after uni. Wants to find a new renewable energy source and help change global warming. Is new to working on cold fusion

Research on Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion

For the project we were told we had to make a short film based around a Scenario. We had to crete everything from the script to the camera shots.

The UK has just signed a deal with China to build a new Nuclear Power Plant in Bridgehaven at a huge cost to the taxpayer.  Meanwhile, a publicly crowdfunded science laboratory has had a major breakthrough in it’s cold fusion tests - could this be the answer to the world's problems. and ensure that the government's nuclear plans are not scuppered.  

First I wanted to look at what cold fusion was and how it works so that I would have a better understanding when creating my film. Cold fusion is a way that you can create nuclear energy at room tempter. By doing this you would be saving then environment because you wouldn't be burning fossil fuels. It is also a lot cheaper then fossil fuels one gallon of heavy water costs $1000. Heavy water is a key part to cold fusion. The oceans already have heavy water which cold last thousands of years. Also one gallon of heavy water is the equivalent to 300,000 gallons of fossil fuels. It would also have positive affect on the food market. It would reduce food production so food would be cheaper.

However looking at the positives of cold fusion there are some negatives. People would lose there jobs as the coal mines wouldn't be needed as much also nuclear power plants wont be in high demand so there wouldn't need to be as many of them.

Looking at the positives and negatives of cold fusion it really mad me think of what sort of short film I'm going to make, and what sort of charters I'm going to have.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

ASA (Advertising Standard Authority)

The 'ASA' (Advertising Standard Authority)  cover a large range of 
advertisements from Magazines and newspapers to radio and TV commercials and banners and display ads. The 'ASA' have been around since 1961 it also works along side with 'CAP' (Committee of Advertising Practice). 'CAP' writes and maintains the Advertising Codes. One example of an advert getting cancelled would be the 'Morrisons' they had an add that showed a child taking out the salad of a burger. This was banned because it showed unhealthy eating.     

The 'ASA' have very strict codes about what you put in your adverts if they are aimed at children. 
The adds must not exploit their credulity, loyalty, vulnerability or lack of experience. They must also make sure they don't encourage children to copy any practice that might be unsafe. Advert must not portray or represent children in a sexual way.  

When it comes to food and drink adverts they must not give a misleading impression of the nutritional benefit of products. Adverts must not use 'high pressure' or 'had sell' techniques to sell there products. Also a companies advert must not condone or encourage poor nutritional habits or an unhealthily life style in children.   

An example of were the 'ASA' has had to step in would be with the sweet brand 'Swizzels Matlow ltd' They had an online game were they encouraged poor nutritional habits and unhealthy lifestyles in children. The 'ASA' decided that the game did preached there codes so these parts of the game had to be changed or taken down. 

Mass Media Influence 

The portraying of Sira bombing from drone strikes and photos of the aftermath


Hypodermic Theory


This advert was based around the time when LeBron moved teams back the Cleveland. Which is why they called it RE-ESTABLISHED. The base of the advert was LeBron working out using the ‘Beats’ products. They also used created clips of what his up bring was as it was a hard one form moving flat to flat not having food. However it showed how he overcame all of these problems, they do this by going to his old High School where you see the awards he won.

For this advert they focused it around people from his home town as it was the base of the advert. They knew when creating this advert there would be a lot of people who wouldn’t like it, this is because of people not like LeBron James as he moved back to his old basketball team.   ‘Beats’ have also done another advert like this one with Serena Williams where they did they same thing. For me I think ‘beats” did these types of adverts to inspire people to show them that you can overcome any problem whether it be your up bring or what the press are saying.