Tuesday 7 June 2016

Toy Poster

For the final task of this unit we had to make a poster for a toy. We had to use blocks to design the toy as they would be made out of little blocks that you connect to build the house. I decided I would draw over the top of the design so you could get a better understanding of what you can create. I am happy with how it turned out.
As this is my first time doing something like this I know the house is a bit wonky but I didn't have time to change. So that is something I would change if I was to do it again.

Monday 6 June 2016

Muffin Poster Overview

For the final task of this unit we had to create a piece of work about a certain theme. I decided I would do a piece on healthy eating. I thought I would make a poster about how to make heathy muffins. I found a recipe online and copied it, to make the poster better i added photos of what they look like. I am really happy with how it turned out.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Filming and Editing the clips for the Monologue

For this film I want the audience to see the character sat at his desk writing his letter. So I decided when you hear the monologue you will see shots of him at his desk writing. I didn't just want it to be shots of the camera on the tripod so I used the dolly to get tracking shots. I did this because I knew it would look better and I also I wanted to experiment with the dolly and see what sort of shots I can get.
For the editing process of the clips I started by adding adding 'Warp Stabilizer' I did this because I wanted the shots to be smooth and have good motion, the floor in the stdio was smooth however there are a few bumps so sometimes the stabilizer didn't work. So i had to take it of for a clips which is fine because I still feel like they look good. The other big thing I change with these clips was the colour. The bulb that was in the light gave of a warmer tone which I didn't wanted. I used 'Three-way Colour Corrector' for this. I feel like I was able to get the colours that I wanted. I know that changing the colours really helped with the mood of the film. I was able to make it look more dark but also have a more natural look.  

Before Colour Corrector                                            After Colour Corrector