Tuesday 24 November 2015

Hyperbole and Sensationalism

Hyperbole- A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used to make a point. It is like the opposite of "understanding."

Sensationalism- The presentation of stories in a way that is intended to provoke interest or excitement, at the expense of accuracy

Media Wise

-The MediaWise Trust – formerly PressWise – exists to:
-Provide free, confidential advice and assistance for members of the public affected by inaccurate, intrusive, or sensational media coverage;
-Deliver use-of-the-media training for the voluntary sector and members of the public;
-Devise and deliver training on ethical issues for media professionals;
-Conduct research and publish material about media law, policy and practice;
-Contribute to public debate about the role and impact of the mass media.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Board Game Design Ideas

 Ive chosen these 4 images to get ideas from. I like how they have bright colours for the main parts of the fames, but have used greys and whites for the backgrounds. I think it shows a simple yet affect design.

I took colour samples from the others games. I did this because I liked how bright and bold they were. For my game I have changed the colours so that im not copping other games.

Monday 2 November 2015


I created this Gif using photoshop and Photo Booth on the Mac. I started of by taking photos in Photo Both. I drew each letter then took a photo. When I put the photos into Photoshop I was able to create the Gif, using the Timeline feature. This allows me to put each layer in order then crete a continues loop, which creates the Gif. With the Timeline feature I was able to change the speed of how quickly it moves form each layer. This is important because I want to make sure the audience is able to read what I wrote on the paper. When creating something like this were the background is constantly moving it can affect the overall piece. However I do like how the background is changing, as there isn't a lot of movement so its not too distracting.

Gif (Graphics Interchange Format) are being used a lot in all different types of media. Clothing companies are using them on their websites to show off their products. Social media is another example of how Gif are becoming more popular, Tumblr is one of the most popular places to show your Gif's.  
The only issue I had with my Gif is the speed I wasn't able to get the speed I wanted. I had to use 0.1 second gap between images because a 0.2 second gap was to long and the Gif felt slow. Also I would have liked to made the smiley face in parts like I did with the letters.

Crib Sheet

For this task we were looking at crib sheets and how to crete one. By doing a crib sheet it allows you to get an idea of what locations.

Ben, Kerri, Issey and Ella

Green Park

Time of day: Late afternoon

Inside/Outside: Outside

Light Source: Sun or bring lights

Problems/Limitations: Soundings- there were a lot of cars and building work. This wouldn't work for our film because its set in the late 1920's
Roads- This is a problem because you have cars driving past and people who wont be in costume walking past.

Land owners permission: Public Land
Strengths- the park works well because of the trees. This location would work well at this time of the year because you have all of the leaves on the floor.
Weakness- You have a busy road going around the park so recording sounds might be a problem 
Opportunities- This place could be a good place to film if you wanted to get some Autumn shots
ThreatsBecause it was a park you had children playing. Which means recording would become difficult.

  Norfolk Crescent 

Time of day: Any

Inside/Outside: Outside

Light Source: Sun or bring lights

Problems/Limitations: Cars- The cars are outside the houses so you cant record them.
Building Work- This was a problem because if we were doing recording the sound wouldn't of been usable.

Land owners permission: Public Land

Strengths- You have a big open grass areas if you wanted to get big wide angle open shots
Weakness- The cars get in the way of the building 
Opportunities- The big trees in the middle would look very nice if you were you wanted to have wide angle shots
Threats- As it is a road you would have to be careful of the cars and make sure everyone is safe

Royal Crescent

Time of day: Any

Inside/Outside: Outside

Light Source: Sun or bring lights

Problems/Limitations: Cars- The cars were in front of the houses. If you were filming here you would have to crop the shot so the cars cant be seen. Public- People are walking around the whole of the crescent so you would have to think about this when recording.

Land owners permission: Public Land

Strengths- It's a really big open piece of land so it would work well if you wanted to get wide angle shots
Weakness- The cars at the top by the houses
Opportunities- This place would work well of you wanted to have a big chase scene. Or if you wanted to have a big pan shot 
Threats- As it is public land you do have to be carful with who is walking though and make sure they know they are being recorded