Friday 24 March 2017

Test 1

Here you can see I did a test on transition. For the scene that this would be used for is when you have Adam lead in the hospital bed, then it will cut to Emily in bed. the reason I'm doing this transition is because We only have access to one bed so I can't have one continuous shot going from one room to the other. I was really happy with how this test turned out. When we do the real shot I will put markers on the floor to make sure the camera stays in the same place. This is the most important thing for this shot as if the camera is in the wrong place the cut will look wrong and jumpy.
Here you can see screen shots from After Affects of what the time ine looked like and how I created the shot.    

Friday 10 March 2017

Interview with Tobie Lang

Me and Em decided we would interview Tobie Lang on how he became a technician.
We asked him;
Why did you decide to become a media technician?
Is it what you thought it would be like?
Is there anything that you don’t like about the job?
What’s your favourite part about the job?
What is the next thing in your career?