Friday 9 December 2016

Unit 09 Production Target 02

For this project I wanted to look at green screens and how to create pieces of work using them. The reason I did this was because I am co-creating a film in the new year. The most difficult scene in the film will be the green scene. This is why I focussed on it in this research project. I started of by looking at films that have used them and how they used the green screens. On of the most important things I noticed was the lighting, the better lighting you had the easier it will be in post-production. The fist test I did was in the studio trying out different lights and placing the lights in different places to get different looks. For the video you can see how different lighting will change how the over piece looks.

After doing this first test I wanted to focus more on what the scene from the film would look like. Since I had a good idea of what lighting was needed to get a good green screen for post-production. In this film I'm working on the character is falling from a height, So I wanted to see how I could show the actor lying on a green screen and shower the background underneath them. The set up was very different from the first test as I had to light a larger area of the green screen. I did have a big problem when doing this, the green screen had lots of creases which is a problem when lighting.

This is a rough idea of what the scene would look like. I created the background in Premier Pro using stock footage of three different clips. I was happy with how this turned out.

From doing this project it gave me a better understanding of how much work goes into using and creating footage with green screens.