Tuesday 26 January 2016

Third Button

This is my third and final button. For this button we had to show how a steam engine works. i decided I wanted to draw a train and have text to show how they work. I am really happy with how this one turned out. When I started this question I wasn't to sure how I was going to do it, but I am very happy with how the drawing turned out.

Second Button

This is my second button. For this button we had to show how you made pop corn I used the same green star for when you put you mouse over the red star, this will be used in all three buttons. When you click A drawing and text will show. The drawing is the equipment that you will need. The text is how you make the popcorn.

First Button

This is what my first button i made for this project. This will be the most simple one out of the three.
When you put your mouse over the red star it will turn green then when you click it will come up with the text on how popcorn is made.

Monday 18 January 2016

First Popcorn

This is my first time looking at Popcorn and coming up with ideas. I drew a simple piece of corn and made it move. This was my first ideas for the final piece

Final Popcorn

I have now finished my Popcorn Gif. I have finished all three questions with text and a image.

 Here you can see what each button does.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Communication Theories

Hypodermic Theory-
Is the theory that the media is able to control what you watch, people also say it the way the media brainwash you.

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs - The way this works is you have a hierarchy of thing you have to have in your life to survive to the thing your want to strive towards. You can see how this works form the infographic below. 

Information and Surveillance

Acquiring information, knowledge, comprehension
David Attenborough Documentary - Planet Earth!
Entertainment and Diversion
Emotional, pleasant or aesthetic experience to escape reality
YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Prime
Person Identity

How you present yourself through media.
Facebook, Twitter, TV shows and films.
Personal relationships
The way you interact with your family and friends.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Any form of Social Media


(Entertainment) and Diversion- Emotional, pleasant or aesthetic experience to escape reality.

Personal Identity- How you present yourself through media.

Information and Surveillance- They way you can get information about a certain subject from the media.

Personal Relationships- The way you interact with your family and friends

Music and they way it affects you

Music is a very important in media, you listen to all different types of depending on your mood.
For me when I want to relax and just chill I listen to acoustic music. I.E would be James Bay


Monday 11 January 2016

Filming With A Green Screen

Today I started filming for my sort film call 'Cold Fusion' for this scene I used a green screen. This was the first time I had ever used a one.
This is what my set up looked liked. I used two lights to light the green screen as you need to get the same colour a cross the whole green screen. I then used two soft boxes for the actors.

Once I was in Premiere Pro I was able to use the 'Ultra Key' tool select the green screen. Once I had done this I was able to use photos to place over the green screen.    
The last image is of what the scene could look like once I put a photo in.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Weather App Design

 For this task we had to follow instructions on how to make a weather app design, on Photoshop. We had to follow each step. However we did have to make it different from the deign we were given. You had to go to 'Adobe Kuler' this is were you can see what colours match and work with each other.  You can see what colours I used for the photo bellow. The photo at the bottom is my final piece of work.

Monday 4 January 2016

Popcorn Task

So far for this task I am some what behind. I have missed a few lessons so I need to catch up out side of class.
So far I am working on the first animation, where it shows you how to make popcorn. here are a few screen shots of my work so far.